Book an appointment

It is possible to book a first free meeting, with one of the Firm’s Professionals, by filling out the appropriate form on the site, aimed at:

  • allow mutual knowledge to establish the necessary relationship of trust;
  • frame the issue legally;
  • verify if the same falls within the competence of the Firm;
  • formulate, where possible, a quote for the requested activity.
  • It’s free.
  • It takes place at the Studio or directly at the Client’s premises and lasts about 30 minutes.
  • The receipt is made by the Professional indicated by the Customer at the time of filling out the contact form.
  • The Professional collects information on the issue posed to him and evaluates the possibilities available to the Client.
  • At the outcome of the meeting, if possible, a quote will be formulated for the assistance requested (alternatively by email within a couple of working days). At that point, the Client will decide whether or not to use the Professional’s assistance.
  • The Client proposes a meeting date and time, which must be confirmed by the requested Professional. In case of unavailability for the requested date or time, the latter will propose an alternative date and time which must be confirmed by the Customer.

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